Eunice Delaquis

Assistant Professor
Graphic Design

United States

I am very passionate about design and the creative field as a whole. I am originally from Ghana, West Africa and have travelled quite widely, thus my design aesthetic is very multi cultural and multifaceted. I come from a very Artistic family and so from a very young age I knew I would be in the creative field one way or the other. I obtained my undergraduate degree (BFA in Communication Design) in Ghana and then my MFA in Ohio University, where I got the chance to teach for three years. I later went to work in the design industry, collectively in 3 states within a span of 7years, starting off as a Junior Graphic designer and working my way up to a Senior Graphic Designer role. Teaching is very rewarding and such a great way of giving back to a younger generation, all the experience that I have garnered throughout my career. So far, Ccad has been a great home for me with very caring and passionate colleagues and multi talented students hungry to learn.