Off-campus learning


CCAD offers a variety of opportunities both internationally and domestically for students, from short term to semester-long experiences. Learn more by attending an Off-Campus Learning Information Session or contacting Off-Campus Learning to discuss your individual goals for off-campus study.

Off-Campus learning opportunities are suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. CCAD will update this page once it begins accepting applications and traveling abroad is safe.

Students should begin the planning process 12 months prior to the term they wish to study off-campus. ​​​​Email to make an appointment to discuss semester-long Off-Campus Learning opportunities.

Benefits of studying off-campus

  • International experience on a resume or transcript tells employers that you have great initiative, independence and a global perspective.
  • Immersing yourself in a new culture and landscape is the best way to learn or practice a foreign language.
  • Being in a new environment can be challenging, but it’s an excellent opportunity to get to know yourself. You’ll find out what you’re capable of and discover how far you can push yourself.

Get started

Getting started in the off-campus study program


All semester-long programs require students to first apply using the CCAD Off-Campus Study Application. A separate Faculty-led Travel Application is required for CCAD courses that include a short-term off-campus experience. Minimum eligibility requirements for off-campus study include:

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Completed 30 credit hours at CCAD
  • Be in good standing with CCAD (academically, financially, and behaviorally)
  • Meet all program-specific requirements

Applications are due Sept. 15 for spring programs and Feb. 15 for summer and fall programs. All applications should be submitted electronically to Paper applications will not be accepted. The application includes the following components:

  • Completed application with appropriate signatures
  • Faculty Recommendation
  • CCAD Off-Campus Learning Course Approval Form

Application Review Process

Each application is reviewed by Vice President of Student Affairs and the appropriate staff in Financial Aid and Academic Advising to establish good behavioral, financial, and academic standing. After receiving approval to study off-campus from CCAD, students must also meet all requirements and gain approval from their desired off-campus learning experience.

Off-Campus Learning Application (Semester)

Faculty Evaluation

CCAD Off-Campus Learning Course Approval Form

Faculty-led Travel Application (CCAD Course)

Off-Campus Learning Application Guide

Program options

CCAD has several opportunities for students in every major to explore — both domestic and international.

Short-term faculty-led programs

These programs are integrated into a semester length course. The course is taught on campus at CCAD during spring or fall semester. Travel to the particular region or countries happen before, after, or during a break in the semester. These programs range in length from 10 days to 2 weeks, and are led/taught by CCAD faculty. The amount and type of CCAD graded credit varies by program. Each program has a program fee that covers a variety of services that are associated with the course/travel.

Upcoming programs

Previous programs

Chile: Shoe Design Workshop

New York: Advanced Typographic Communications

Ecuador: EcoDesign - Sustainable Solutions

Germany: International Branding and Product Development

The Mythic Irish Landscape


CCAD partner programs

CCAD has partnerships with select overseas programs that are administered specifically for U.S. students. Generally, curriculum and instruction in these programs are U.S.-style. Pre-arranged housing opportunities, extracurricular activities, and administrative support services are typically available on these programs.

Current programs

The following programs have opportunities for students in any major:

UAL: University of Arts London - London, England

UAL: London College of Fashion - London, England

Passport information

If you are interested in studying abroad, you will need a passport. If you do not yet have one, you should begin the process of applying for a passport. Soon after being accepted into a study abroad program, students will need to have a valid passport in order to secure international arrangements. This process can take several weeks, so it is recommended that you begin the process as soon as you decide you’d like to study abroad. Information and directions can be found on the U.S. Department of State website.

Financing off-campus learning programs

Myths about financing

The Association of International Educators created a page about common misconceptions related to financing off-campus and study abroad experiences.

Scholarships & grants


Mary M. Lane Endowed Scholarship for International Education

Thanks to a generous gift by Mary M. Lane, CCAD can provide financial support for students seeking to study off-campus. Scholarships are awarded based on individual student needs and availability of funds.

To be considered for the Mary M. Lane International Education Scholarship, simply submit a personal statement about why you should receive support along with your most recent FAFSA report to the Director of Off-Campus Learning no later than one month before your departure date.


Institute of International Education

With an easy to use search engine that includes a field of study search option that has a varying array of art majors to choose from.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

This single scholarship aims to help students study abroad. It is open to all undergraduate students in the U.S. receiving a Federal Pell Grant at a two- or four-year college.

Here you will find a list of various art-related scholarships and their applications. Each scholarship has a short description that provides contact information, application deadlines, and the maximum amount the scholarship or grant offers.

Go Overseas

Here you will find a list of 63 grants that give students the opportunity to study abroad. Each grant offers a short description and a corresponding link that leads you to more information about the grant offered.

Career One Stop

Although not just study abroad related, here you could search by keyword for more than 7,500 opportunities for funding. This site is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.


If your question is not answered below or you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact


How far in advance should I begin to plan for an off-campus experience?

Students may begin learning about Off-Campus Learning programs as early as their first year on campus. The planning process can be lengthy, depending on the type of program you are interested in. Plan to begin this process at least a year prior to applying to study off-campus.


How do I learn more?

Read through the information on this page, attend information sessions, and set up a meeting with Off-Campus Learning to talk about your goals, interests, and to make a plan.


When can I apply?

Off-Campus learning opportunities are suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. CCAD will update this page once it begins accepting applications and traveling abroad is safe.


Do I have to apply if it's a program that is not run through CCAD, but is a CCAD approved program? 

To participate in any semester-long off-campus program, students must first gain approval from CCAD using the Off-Campus Learning application. If a student is accepted through the CCAD process, they may be required to fill out an additional application for our host partners. Students do not need to complete the Off-Campus Learning application if they are interested in a Short-term Faculty-led Program, but will need to register for the course and attend pre-departure orientation.


How much does it cost?

The cost of studying off-campus varies depending on the program, how long you will be off-campus, where you will be studying, and what services are provided in the cost of the program. Students who are approved to participate in a spring or fall program have access to use their Federal Financial Aid. Please visit the Financial Aid office to see if other forms of aid, scholarships, and grants that you may have can be applied.


off campus landscape water