Residence Life & Housing
Home is where the art is.
Welcome to Residence Life & Housing! Here, students can find information about on campus housing resources, off campus living, and more.
Current residential students seeking information on day-to-day practices and required procedures should log onto eRezlife at ccad.erezlife.com with their CCAD credentials.
Residence Life staff
Residence Life & Housing consists of two professional staff members and a team of student Resident Advisors (RAs). The role of the RAs is to make connections with students to ensure the safety and security of the community, as well as to provide educational, personal, and professional assistance when appropriate, and make relevant referrals, if necessary. Need to contact a staff member? Email housing@ccad.edu.

Sher-Ron Laud, M.Ed
Assistant Dean of Residence Life & Student Engagement

Kay O'Malley
Area Coordinator