Anti-Hazing Policy and Resources

As part of its commitment to promoting a safe and healthy campus environment and cultivating a culture that fosters respect for the dignity and rights of all its members, the college has zero tolerance for hazing activities and they are strictly prohibited. This commitment aligns with Ohio Senate Bill 126, also referred to as Collin’s Law: The Ohio Anti-Hazing Act.

Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3345.19, this policy applies to CCAD students, student organizations, student groups, and employees. This policy also applies to volunteers acting in an official capacity to advise student organizations and/or groups and who have direct contact with CCAD students. Allegations and violations of this policy may intersect with other campus policies, such as CCAD’s Sexual Harassment Policy & Grievance Process, CCAD’s Code of Student Conduct, and CCAD’s employee specific handbook policies. Others may apply. Where crossover occurs, each applicable policy will be executed as appropriate.

CCAD encourages, supports, and maintains a culture of reporting and will provide transparent information after a report is received, when allowable by policy, including when and how law enforcement will be engaged.


Reporting Hazing

Each of the following is considered a mandated reporter:

  • Any full or part-time employee of the college (including staff, faculty, student employees, and graduate assistants) who advises or coaches student organizations and/or student groups and who has direct contact with students.
  • Any volunteer acting in an official capacity who advises or coaches student organizations and/or student groups and who have direct contact with students.

Employees who are required by law to protect confidentiality are exempt from this requirement. At CCAD this is the clinical staff in the Counseling & Wellness Center.

Mandated reporters must not recklessly permit hazing from taking place and shall immediately report knowledge of hazing, as defined in this policy, to local law enforcement as well as to CCAD’s AVP for Student Affairs & Dean of Students (DOS) using the Hazing Report Form. A mandated reporter who fails to make a timely report may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action by the college. Moreover, failure to report carries a fourth degree misdemeanor charge, except that the violation is a first degree misdemeanor if the hazing results in physical harm. 

Note:  Reports made pursuant to this policy do not supersede or replace other reporting obligations.

Hazing presents a serious risk to the health and safety of our college community and will not be tolerated at CCAD. To create a community free of hazing, we must first report hazing when we experience it, see it, or suspect it. It is imperative that everyone with knowledge of hazing report it. CCAD students and registered student organizations are required to report hazing, as the failure to prevent, intervene, or report acts of hazing may also be considered acts of hazing. Moreover, section 2903.311 (B) of the Ohio Revised Code states that “No administrator, employee, faculty member, teacher, consultant, alumnus, or volunteer of any organization, including any primary, secondary, or post-secondary school or any other public or private educational institution, who is acting in an official and professional capacity shall recklessly fail to immediately report the knowledge of hazing to a law enforcement agency in the county in which the victim of hazing resides or in which the hazing is occurring or has occurred.”

Emergencies and concerns for health and safety should always be reported immediately to law enforcement by calling 9-1-1.   

Mandated reporters must report acts of hazing to law enforcement, as outlined above. To contact Columbus Police, call 614.645.4545. Mandated reporters must also comply with the following instructions on how to report acts of hazing to CCAD.

To report acts of hazing to CCAD, the reporter must first complete the Hazing Report Form, which is routed to the Dean of Students. The DOS will then initiate an investigation that may include the collection of more information beyond what is included on the initial report.  Anonymous reporting of hazing acts is not permitted.

When reporting, please be prepared to provide the following information as best as you can:

  • What is the name of the organization that you are reporting for acts of hazing?
  • When did the event(s) occur?
  • Where did the event(s) take place?
  • What time of day did the event(s) occur?
  • Who was involved in this event? 
  • Are there any other people that were present or can corroborate the information you are providing?  Please provide their names and contact information (if available).
  • How did you become aware of the event(s)?
  • Please describe the event(s) in as much detail as possible.
  • Please provide any documentation or photographs you may have.
  • Your name, phone number, and e-mail address



CCAD Safety & Security

Dean of Students

Counseling & Wellness Center