Disability & Access Services
The office of Disability & Access Services (DAS) provides reasonable accommodations for students with documented cognitive, psychological, or physical/medical disabilities. Disclosing a disability is voluntary, however, to be considered for accommodations through our office, students must self-identify as having a disability and complete the interactive accommodation request process. Below you will find information about how to do this.
If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at disability@ccad.edu.
Requesting Accommodations
If you are a current or incoming CCAD student and would like to begin the accommodation request process, click here and fill out the Disability Accommodation Request Form.
If you are a current CCAD student who is already approved for disability accommodations and would like to have something added or changed, send a detailed email to us at disability@ccad.edu.
If you are a current CCAD student who is already approved for exam-based accommodations and would like to use them on an upcoming exam, click here and fill out the Exam Scheduling Form.
Guidelines & Procedures
You can review the following resources for information on our documentation requirements, specific policies, and frequently asked questions.
Schedule An Appointment
Disability & Access Services offers appointments in-person in Crane Center Suite 140 or virtually via Google Meet. The schedule, reschedule, or cancel an appointment, click the button below.
DAS also offers walk-in hours during the Fall and Spring semesters when students can come in person to quick, clarifying questions. More information about walk-in hours will be posted here when the Fall semester begins.
Campus Accessibility
Students who need accommodations to fully participate in a campus event, program, or activity should contact the Disability & Access Services office at disability@ccad.edu. Please notify us in a timely manner to ensure appropriate adjustments or alterations can be made.
Eli Van Sickel
Assistant Dean of Student Success & Transition Programs