Care Coordinator

The CCAD Care Coordinator works with current students to help them overcome obstacles to their success and wellness. Modern college students face a variety of unique challenges and would benefit from having someone help them break down big problems into smaller, achievable goals. Care Coordination is a great first stop if a student is struggling and doesn’t know where to start or who to go to for help. The Care Coordinator will work with the student to identify stressors and connect them with resources on and off campus. After the initial meeting, the Care Coordinator will make a plan with the student on how they would like to be supported moving forward, whether it be a follow-up meeting, email check-ups, or additional resources. 

Some common issues students face that Care Coordinator can assist with include:

  • Time Management
  • Setting and Meeting Goals
  • Adjusting to College Life
  • Understanding and Obtaining Insurance 
  • Finding Medical Care
  • Connecting to Campus and Community Resources 
  • Living Independently
  • Budgeting 
  • Study Skills 
  • Organization and Planning Skills


Normal Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Friday: Remote

Walk-In Hours:
Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. & 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. on a first come, first serve basis 

Loann Crane Center for Design; Student Engagement and Inclusion Office, Office 153

Schedule an Appointment

Students can make their own appointment, can be referred by a faculty or staff member, or can come in for a quick chat during Walk-In Hours. If none of the listed appointment times work or if you have additional questions, please email

What to Bring: Please come prepared with your planner, something to take notes with, and any other relevant information to your specific questions/concerns (ex: health insurance information, to-do lists, calendars, syllabi, laptop, etc) 

Please complete this intake form before your appointment. If not completed 24 hours prior to your appointment, the meeting will be canceled and  you will need to reschedule once the paperwork is completed.

Care Coordinator: Kait Roughton

Kait R.

Resources and Additional Information

The Care Coordinator is here to help, and help can come in many different forms. This position’s aim is to provide assistance to students as they overcome obstacles, achieve goals, and support them as they grow during their CCAD journey. 

The Care Coordinator is experienced in case management but is not a licensed mental health professional. It is important to understand that any information shared with the Care Coordinator does not fall under the same confidentiality laws that mental health providers work under. While what students share is kept private, communication with the Care Coordinator is governed by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), which means information disclosed can be shared with staff members who have a need to know and to entities outside of CCAD if the student is at risk for hurting themself or others.

The Care Coordinator is a member of CART (Care & Response Team), CCAD’s behavioral intervention and threat assessment group that works to identify concerning or problematic student behavior, assess the nature and severity of that behavior, and implement appropriate interventions designed to support the individual student while maintaining the overall safety of the CCAD community. In some cases, the Care Coordinator may share information from an individual meeting with a student with the CART team in order to assess concerns and coordinate resources.

The Care Coordinator is also a mandated reporter under Title IX which means the Care Coordinator is required to disclose information related to incidents of sex/gender discrimination or offenses to the Title IX Coordinator. There are confidential resources available through the Counseling and Wellness Center or the Care Coordinator can help a student connect with a confidential, off-campus resource as needed.

Click here to view the Crisis Resources.