Level Up

Level Up is a series of events, activities and speakers that aim to help CCAD students improve their life skills, real world knowledge, and social skills throughout the school year. Throughout the ‘24-’25 academic year, Level Up programming will tackle a variety of topics while also encouraging students to connect with their peers and community in a fun and informative environment. The goal of the Level Up Programming is to equip CCAD students with necessary life skills that are not typically learned in the classroom, but are essential to life as a college student and beyond. It’s time to Level Up CCAD!

Level Up is:

  • Kait Roughton, Care Coordinator
  • Kay O'Malley, Residence Life Area Coordinator
  • Madison Ryan, Program Coordinator for Inclusion & Leadership Development

Contact us at levelup@ccad.edu with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Campus Involvement 


Columbus Living

Columbus Living 


Living Independently

Money Management 

Professional Life 




Level Up Events Calendar

General Level Up events are open to the campus, see our calendar for more details. Please email studentengagement@ccad.edu with any questions. 

The Level Up Mentorship Program will connect new incoming students with an upperclassmen mentor who can offer guidance, support, and assistance with the transition into college and adulthood. Returning students can apply to be a mentor in order to get involved on campus, develop leadership skills, and make a difference at CCAD. 

Cooking in the Dorms


LevelUp Roommate Speed Dating


LU City
City Safety 101
Level-Up Main Poster
Level Up - September Events