Community standards
Community standards
CCAD believes in a supportive and inclusive community where a diverse group of students can engage and thrive. The Code of Student Conduct sets out the behavioral expectations for students enrolled at CCAD and all students are advised and expected to review it. The Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator oversees the community standards process and questions or concerns can be directed to:
What is Title IX?
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights oversees the law known as Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and recently amended in May 2020. The law states that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” ( Title IX requires all higher education institutions to appoint a Title IX Coordinator, a trained employee responsible for monitoring compliance with Title IX regulations and for overseeing awareness and prevention education and training efforts for the CCAD community on the issue of sexual harassment.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is type of sex based discrimination under Title IX and is a broad term that includes but is not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual assault (including various forms), domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation. Sexual harassment (formerly known as sexual misconduct) will not be tolerated at Columbus College of Art & Design. Furthermore, the college is firmly committed to ensuring an educational environment that is free from any form of sex or gender based harassment, discrimination, or unequal treatment. Such behaviors are inconsistent with CCAD’s core values that underscore human dignity, promote respect, and renounce violence in any form and will be addressed per the Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Process.
Sexual Harassment Support & Reporting Options
How to report sexual harassment
There are multiple ways to report instances of sexual harassment to CCAD. Those options include:
- Title IX Report Form
- Title IX Formal Complaint Form
- Title IX Coordinator |
- Safety & Security | 614.222.6165
- A CCAD employee
- A Resident Advisor (RA)
Per CCAD’s Sexual Harassment Policy & Grievance Process requires all formal complaints of sexual harassment to be made by the complainant (individual reporting allegations of sexual harassment) to the Title IX Coordinator. Formal complaints initiate a formal investigation with possible live hearing. Detailed information regarding reports and formal complaints are outlined in the above linked Sexual Harassment Policy.

Athena Sanders
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator
Loann Crane Center, 1st Floor
What is a “Mandated Reporter” and what is their role on campus?
All CCAD employees and student Resident Advisors (RAs) are considered Mandated Reporters, which means under CCAD’s Sexual Harassment Policy, these individuals are required to immediately inform the Title IX Coordinator of any instance of sexual harassment (even vague or potential reports) that comes to their attention, even if the sharing complainant requests confidentiality or privacy. This includes all faculty and staff.
When a Mandated Reporter reports possible instances of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator, minimally, the complainant (person bringing forward concerns) can expect an email outreach from the Title IX Coordinator with empowered choices as to what level they want to be involved in any further steps in CCAD’s Grievance Policy, details for which are linked above. Supportive measures will also be offered to complainants at this time. To initiate a formal investigation, the complainant must submit a Formal Complaint directly to the Title IX Coordinator, process linked above.
Employees exempt from the Mandated Reporter requirement are employees known as confidential resources. At CCAD, those consist of the licensed, clinical therapists in the Counseling & Wellness Center. Due to the confidential nature of a client/therapist relationship, therapists in the Counseling Center are not required to report instances of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator of which they may become aware in confidential therapy sessions with students.
Other confidential resources outside CCAD include other medical professionals, clergy, and specific advocate agencies. More information below.
Ohio resources
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence:
Ohio Domestic Violence Network:
Restraining Orders:
LGBTQI+ Sexual Violence Support:
Confidential resources
If a complainant would like the details of an incident to remain confidential, they may speak with one of the licensed mental health professionals within the CWC. These employees will maintain confidentiality except in extreme cases of immediate threat or danger or abuse of a minor.
- Licensed professional counselors (non-CCAD employees) or other medical professionals
- SARNCO (Sexual Assault Network of Central Ohio): 614.267.7020
- BRAVO Ohio (Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization): 614.294.7867
- Clergy members
Confidentiality & Privacy in reporting
The College is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in a report of sexual harassment. Whenever a report or formal complaint is received, every effort will be made to protect the privacy interests of all individuals involved in a manner consistent with the need for a thorough review of the allegation.
The privacy of the involved parties will be respected and safeguarded at all times. All college employees who are involved in the college’s Title IX response, including investigators, decision makers, advisors, hearing panelists, and appeal officers receive specific training and guidance about safeguarding private information.
Privacy and confidentiality have distinct meanings in this area.
Privacy generally means that information related to a report of harassment will only be shared with a limited circle of individuals. This circle of individuals will be employees who "need to know" in order to assist in the active review, investigation, or resolution of the report. While not bound by confidentiality, these individuals will be discreet and respect the privacy of all individuals involved in the process.
Confidentiality means that information about sexual harassment shared by a CCAD community member cannot be revealed to any other individual without express permission of the complainant, except in extreme cases that involve immediate threat or danger to the student or to others in the community or abuse of a minor.
How to get help
If you have experienced sexual harassment, you are encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator or Safety & Security. If you are in physical danger or have physical injuries that require immediate attention, call Safety & Security or 911.
No matter how you choose to address an instance of sexual harassment, you will be supported by the resources available at CCAD and in the community. Professionals will work with you to decide how to proceed and ensure that your concerns and needs are being addressed. This list of resources gives you a broad overview of each and what they can offer you.
How to help others
It can be very challenging to know what to do when someone discloses that they have experienced sexual harassment, violence, and/or assault; however, knowing how to be supportive can be crucial in a survivor’s healing process. There are two things you need to think about: how you can support the survivor, and how you can take care of yourself.
How You Can Support the Survivor
Believe them: Know that disclosing this experience takes a great deal of strength and courage. Remind the survivor that the assault was not their fault. Let the survivor know that you believe them.
Be respectful of privacy and confidentiality: Don’t tell anyone about the assault without the survivor’s permission. The survivor has chosen to tell you and it may be hurtful or dangerous to inform others.
Provide information: There are several things a survivor may want to think about: seeking counseling, obtaining medical attention, preserving evidence, or reporting to the police. It is important to provide information but to allow the survivor the autonomy to make their own choices. Share the UOKCCAD resource card with them.
Let the survivor make their own decisions: You can provide information and options for the survivor, but always let the survivor make their own decisions. Many survivors feel a deep sense of disempowerment as a result of being violated. Therefore it is important to help the survivor feel empowered. Offer to accompany the survivor to seek medical attention or to the police if they so choose. Support the decisions the survivor makes, even if you might not agree with them.
Be aware of your desire to provide reassurance: Saying things like “everything is going to be all right” or “it could have been worse,” may seem supportive, however, the survivor may interpret these reassurances to mean that you don’t understand their feelings, or that you are trivializing the magnitude of what they have experienced. Instead you might say, "I'm sorry this happened,” or “How can I be helpful?”
Remind the survivor that you care: The survivor may worry that their friends and loved ones won’t think of them in the same way. Let the survivor know you don’t see them differently, and that you are here to support them.
Give the survivor space if they need it: Be sensitive to the fact that the survivor might want to spend some time alone. Don’t touch or hug the survivor unless you are sure they are comfortable with physical contact.
Be a good listener: Recovering from a sexual assault can take a long time. The survivor may need your support now and in the future. Let the survivor choose when they want to talk and how much they want to share. Sometimes the survivor may not want to talk at all.

#WESTAND is an initiative to strengthen our culture of shared respect, care, and responsibility by promoting:
- Awareness about sexual harassment, assault, violence, and relationship abuse
- Prevention and bystander intervention education
- Empowerment, advocacy, and support of survivors of sexual violence
At CCAD, we stand up and speak out for each other. To get involved in #WESTAND, contact Athena Sanders at
What happens if I tell the college who assaulted me?
In general, the college is required to support support a complainant with supportive measures and options related to a formal investigation and legal actions. If a complainant chooses to submit a Formal Complaint, a formal investigation will be initiated. On rare occasions, even if the complainant doesn’t submit a Formal Complaint, the Title IX Coordinator can submit a Formal Complaint to initiate an investigation. Even if this occurs, complainants have the choice on the level in which they engage in the investigation, although it can make finding determinations difficult without a thorough account of the incident.
Complainants can also choose whether or not to pursue criminal charges. Regardless of any charges or investigations, you are still eligible to receive support and assistance from CCAD.
Can I report an incident of sexual harassment confidentially?
Yes. If you speak with a CWC Counselor, they will not report anything to anyone at the college about the incident without your permission, unless there is a clear, direct threat to the student, the community, or there is evidence of abuse of a minor.
What forms of support or remedies are available to me?
The college has a responsibility to support any member of the community who has experienced sexual harassment. Any student who comes forward to make a report or to file a formal complaint of sexual harassment will be informed of options for assistance in securing appropriate and reasonably available supportive measures to enhance a feeling of safety. Such measures include, but are not limited to, counseling support, "no contact" orders, and changes in housing assignment and/or academic schedule. It’s important to note that supportive measures prior to a complete investigation, hearing, and formal finding, supportive measures cannot be punitive in nature against the respondent (individual responding to allegations of sexual harassment), unless there is a clear, ongoing direct threat to the complainant and/or campus community, as determined by the Title IX Coordinator. More details are outlined in the Sexual Harassment Policy, linked above.
If the college is currently closed, whom can I contact?
If an individual needs immediate medical attention, please call 911.
To report instances of sexual harassment to CCAD when the college is closed, parties should contact CCAD Safety & Security, available 24/7 even if the college is closed. They can be reached at 614.222.6165 and will connect the party with the Title IX Coordinator.
Who has to, by law, tell the Title IX Coordinator?
All college employees (faculty, staff, administrators, and student Resident Advisors) are required to share information about actual or suspected instances of sexual harassment with the Title IX Coordinator. The only exceptions are the licensed mental health professionals within CCAD’s Counseling & Wellness Center. Sharing information with the Title IX Coordinator does not mean that a formal investigation will be launched; however, it does ensure that individuals are informed about their rights and options for support.
What does the Title IX Coordinator do?
The Title IX Coordinator’s role is to ensure that the college follows its published policies related to sexual harassment. In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and as amended in 2020, the Title IX Coordinator must take steps to end harassment, remedy its impact, and prevent its reoccurrence. The Coordinator reports directly to the Provost.
Why aren’t there public announcements about sexual harassment investigations or the outcomes?
The records related to CCAD’s Sexual Harassment Policy fall under the category of educational records or employment records, which are protected by privacy laws under which parties fall. For students, these protections are addressed through protections of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Employees are protected under federal and state labor and employment laws. CCAD’s policy is that neither educational records nor employment records are shared with parties without a direct need to know. The college is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in a report of sexual harassment, including findings and outcomes of allegations, and every effort will be made to protect the privacy of involved parties in a manner consistent with the need for a thorough review of the allegation and in accordance with CCAD’s educational and employment records policies. The findings of any investigative process are communicated in writing to both the complainant and respondent. The campus community will be notified if a reported incident presents an imminent, serious, or continuing threat to campus.