1.30.17 | Dear Students: Muslim Ban


Dear CCAD Students, Faculty, and Staff,


On Friday, President Trump issued an executive order that temporarily bans individuals from seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) from entering the United States. Given the potential impact this order has on our community, I felt it important to write you all and share a few things.


For our international students, we are reaching out to all current CCAD students and prospective students who are directly impacted by these travel restrictions to provide individual advice and support. And, we encourage all international students who have general questions or concerns or specific plans to travel outside the U.S. to reach out to Associate Director of International Recruiting Jonathon Neeley (jneeley@ccad.edu) as soon as possible.


For our entire community, I believe it is important to reaffirm CCAD's nondiscrimination policy (located here on page 16) and that we stand by our commitment to provide a welcoming environment for all individuals. Our diverse and global community makes us a stronger institution and better artists, designers, and scholars. 


If anyone plans to participate in the 6:30 p.m. rally at the Statehouse tonight, I want to remind you to stay safe and warm, be respectful and law-abiding in your actions, make sure your cell phone is charged and a friend not at the rally knows your whereabouts, and, lastly, put your creative skills to work for some fantastic signs.


In summary, CCAD stands by its core values and supports our entire community. Personally, I hope that whatever your individual politics are and regardless of what may be happening at the national level, each of you feels at home here on campus and remains committed to welcoming others into our community.


Thank you,
