2011 alumnus featured in paper for exclusive exhibition

Fine Arts alumnus Ross Caliendo (CCAD 2011) was featured in weekly newspaper Cincinnati CityBeat’s article, Art: Rites of Passage and Magnitude 7.

Caliendo’s painting is one of the 13 works on display at the exhibition, an annual show showcasing the work of college juniors, seniors, and recent graduates. Jurors selected the works from more than 381 entries from students at 88 colleges and universities.

2011 CCAD Fine Arts alumnus featured in paper for exclusive exhibition

"House on Hill," by Ross Caliendo

“With my art I strive to transform our hyper-reality world, into a tangible physical form,” Caliendo said on his website. “I use paint as a way to layer multiple ideas, images, feelings, and situations into one single entity. It is much as if you were to put every frame of a movie into one image.”

For more information about Caliendo, read his blog.

Rites of Passage and Magnitude 7 can be seen at Manifest Creative Research Gallery in East Walnut Hills through June 24. Read the article in its entirety here.