9.7.17 | Dear Faculty & Staff: Supporting DACA students


Dear Faculty and Staff,


A number of you have expressed concern about how yesterday’s statement by President Trump signaling an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy (DACA) may impact our community.


I wanted to send you a brief note letting you know that on behalf of CCAD, I have signed on to letters calling for the reinstatement of DACA and/or support of undocumented students in other ways from the Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design (AICAD) and the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio (AICUO).


As I said in my statement of January 30, made at the time of the executive order banning travel from certain countries: I believe it is important to reaffirm CCAD's nondiscrimination policy (located here on page 16) and that we stand by our commitment to provide a welcoming environment for all individuals. Our diverse and global community makes us a stronger institution and better artists, designers, and scholars.


We are doing our best to stay on top of how this policy change may impact CCAD students, specifically. To that end, if you have any students in your class or office who indicate they are undocumented and express concerns about their wellbeing, please encourage them to reach out directly to Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Chris Mundell (cmundell@ccad.edu). Chris is eager to work with them directly to help them navigate through this policy change.


Thank you for your support of our entire student body,
