Ad Graph alumna illustrates fashion books

Watercolor illustrations by alumna and blogger Malia Carter (CCAD 2013) bring Stephanie Simons's debut book All’s Fair in Love and Wardrobe: A Fashion Editor's Rules on Shopping for Love to life.

Released July 15, the “dating rulebook for fashion lovers” includes tips, tricks, and advice from Simons, a fashion editor.

Simons's second book, Chic-tionary: The Little Book of Fashion Faux-cabulary, will include 75 illustrations by Carter and is scheduled to hit shelves Oct. 7.

“It’s going to be a fashion guide from A to Z,” Carter recently told Columbus Alive. “It’ll have all the dictionary terms that relate to fashion and the same style of writing. It’s another hilarious book.”

The pair also plans to create a line of greeting cards.

A launch party for All’s Fair in Love and Wardrobe will be held on Aug. 2 from 6 – 10 p.m. at Short North Fitness. Carter’s illustrations can be found on her blog Deep Fried Freckles.

Carter, an Advertising & Graphic Design alumna, is from Columbus, OH, and attended West High School.