Adjunct Instructor Maria Romasco Moore’s new book earns “perfect” review from New York Times

It’s not often you hear a book described as perfect. And rarer still does that kind of praise come from the New York Times Book Review.

Columbus College of Art & Design CORE Studies Adjunct Instructor Maria Romasco Moore’s Ghostographs: An Album recently received such praise—and more—from the Times’ science fiction and fantasy columnist Amal El-Mohtar, who raved that the collection of flash fictions paired with vintage photographs collected by Moore are “each complete and perfect in and of itself” but together are connected like a string of pearls.

“Each vignette is effortlessly precise and endlessly evocative, a formula that’s also a poem, and a story first and foremost,” El-Mohtar wrote.

And, she noted, “The photographs are, themselves, fascinating artifacts: some torn or cut, some in pieces, some overexposed or water-stained. They, too, have accreted layers over time, and one of the book’s keen strengths comes from interacting with those layers instead of flattening them beneath label or frame.”

Ghostographs also received accolades from the Boston Globe, which said it “glows with good light and strange haunt.”

Read more praise for Ghostographs from The New York Times and Boston Globe.