Advertising & Graphic Design students win national Addy recognition

Callie Whiteman, A Plant's Eye View from Matthew Mohr on Vimeo.


Two students from Columbus College of Art & Design’s Advertising & Graphic Design department are national ADDY award winners after standout showings at the local and district level.

Lucas Himes (Ad/Graph, 2017) and Callie Whiteman (Ad/Graph, 2016) will be recognized at ADMERICA, the American Advertising Federation’s national conference, which will be held Friday, June 9, through Sunday, June 11, in New Orleans.

“Both Callie and Lucas set the stage for our incoming juniors and seniors,” said Advertising & Graphic Design Chair and Associate Professor Joshua Bodman. “Winning one National ADDY is amazing, but winning two is unbelievable. As recent graduates, they join the network of successful alumni who are thought leaders in the advertising and design community.”

Advertising & Graphic Design, Industrial Design, CCAD Industrial Design Lucas Himes Clifbar

Himes took on a project that saw him rebrand CLIF nutrition bars — including creating a new logo, packaging, iconography, web design, and illustrations.

“It was one of a number of brands that I’d been considering for the project and ended up making the final cut,” he said. “I’m on the go a lot myself, so I have them around often. There’s also an incredible amount of different flavors available, I felt like there’d be good opportunity for creating different icons/package designs.”

Himes said he was “excited and proud” to learn about his win at the national level. “I felt like the critical reception to this project certainly exceeded any expectations I’d had when I made it,” he said.

Himes’ work took the course of three months to complete. Time management was key, he said, as was a willingness to rework concepts. His advice to students following in his footsteps?

“Work hard but try not to get bogged down on any one idea. Allow yourself to be flexible, that really good idea will come to you, sometimes it takes time and trial and error to get there, but it will happen!”

Meanwhile, fellow award-winner Callie Whiteman was recognized for her work in digital creative technology.

“Callie’s win validates an aspect of Ad/Graph's curriculum that promotes the use of technology in service of communication and digital/physical interaction,” said Matthew Mohr, Associate Professor of Advertising & Graphic Design. “She used her love of science and plant biology to create an interactive exhibit that creatively expresses three different plant survival strategies.”

“These are great awards for our program but truly, the chair and the entire faculty are very proud of both Lucas and Callie,” Mohr said.

Read more about CCAD Ad/Graph students’ earlier performance at the ADDYs here.


Learn more about CCAD's Advertising & Graphic Design program or apply here.