Alumna advocates for volunteer involvement

When her full-time gig doesn’t occupy her time, alumna Cat Sheridan (CCAD 2003), is an enthusiastic arts and culture consumer and an active member of and participant in several arts-minded groups in central Ohio.

Recently, Sheridan, the director of Continuing Education at CCAD, helped plan Off the Grid, a benefit event to support the Wexner Center for the Arts.

Besides serving as co-chair of the GenWex Advisory Committee, the Fine Arts graduate also is active in the Columbus Arts Marketing Association, Ohio Art League, Creative Arts of Women, and ARTillery Ohio.

“In the past five years I’ve developed a strong relationship with the (Wexner) center in a volunteer capacity and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to help out, and the relationships I’ve gained in the process,” Sheridan said in a recent Q & A session with her co-chair Kareem Jackson for Wexblog.

Sheridan said she finds that “volunteering in an organization you care about offers deeper connections, richer experiences, and can often open doors you never imagined” and that community involvement has changed her approach to advocacy. “I am far more vocal and do my best to inform and motivate people about the great things we have happening right here, right now,” she said.

Read the full interview here.