Alumna dives into public art project

Alumna Olga Ziemska (CCAD, '00) has a large public art project of flying, swimming, and diving figures installed in a lobby at Kent State University.

The Light Which Can be Heard consists of 14 acrylic human silhouettes traced from the bodies of KSU students. Roughly 1,300 tiny acrylic globes are affixed to each life-size silhouette and on the back of each globe the artist has fastened small color photographs of KSU student performances, events and activities over the past decade.

With inspiration from the aurora borealis, the artist sorted the color photographs to create overall patterns in various hues. The project will adorn roughly 45 feet of wall space in the new Roe Green Center for the School of Theatre and Dance.

To learn more about Ziemska's art go to her website. To read additional coverage of her KSU project go to