Alumna is 'everyday people' on TLC's NY Ink

Fine Arts alumna Samantha Bennett is scheduled to appear on the July 14th episode of TLC’s NY Ink.

Bennett (CCAD 1995–1999) was invited to be part of the show’s Everyday People Project to share her story and art after a spring trip to the Big Apple.

Bennett is an artist who paints with amputated fingers after surviving meningitis meningococcal disease at nine months of age and undergoing numerous subsequent reconstructive surgeries. She began taking art lessons at age six and nine years later began creating art commissions.

In addition to her established career, Bennett creates art for many nonprofit groups like the American Heart Association, March of Dimes, the National Meningitis Association and more. She has a series called Butterfly Portraits: Artwork Dedicated to Loss, which was started after the death of her son Jonas, who was born prematurely. The series has been used in association with the March of Dimes, the National Association for Women in the Arts, and neonatal loss support groups.

Locally, Bennett’s art can be seen at the Hayley Gallery. More information also is available on Bennett’s website.