Alumna exhibits at New York City gallery

Now Here This, an exhibition by alumna Sarah Brenneman (CCAD 1998), opened Jan. 6 at the Jeff Bailey Gallery in New York City. The show features Brenneman’s recent works on paper in watercolor and collage.

Brenneman has worked in watercolor for 10 years. Recently she collaborated with the poet Nellie Bridge, and created small works in reaction to her poems, All at Once, It’s Out, Flying and At the End of the City, about everyday experiences in the city. These works in turn led to larger works on paper.

This is Brenneman’s third solo exhibition at the gallery. She received an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University. She attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and was an artist in residence at The Millay Colony for the Arts and Chashama. She lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

The exhibition runs through Feb. 5. For further information about the show, check out the gallery’s website. Learn more about Brenneman on her website.