Alumna Inducted into Columbus Hall of Fame

Alumna Aminah Robinson (CCAD 1960) was inducted recently into the city of Columbus’ Hall of Fame by Mayor Michael B. Coleman.

Robinson combines traditional art materials with found objects and everyday materials such as buttons, cloth, leather, twigs, shells, and music box workings to create two-and three-dimensional works of art.

She has exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States and has received numerous awards and grants from arts organizations. In 2002, the Columbus Museum of Art organized a retrospective exhibition of her work that traveled throughout the country. In 2004, Robinson was awarded a prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, commonly referred to as genius grants.

Her work can be found in many private collections and in museums including the Columbus Museum of Art, the Cincinnati Art Museum, the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the Tacoma Art Museum, and the Newark Museum.

Robinson is now one of 50 Columbus Hall of Fame inductees, to view the full list, click here.