Alumna named top Florida middle school art teacher

by Aadam Soorma

Kymberly Moreland-Garnett (CCAD ’91) has been honored with the 2010 Middle School Art Educator of the Year award by the Florida Art Education Association (FAEA).

Moreland-Garnett, who teaches sixth, seventh, and eighth graders at The Trinity Preparatory School (TPS), was also a member of the FAEA Board from 2007-2009. In addition to the statewide award, the CCAD alumna brought home Trinity Prep’s Teacher of the Year award in 2009.

TPS is a selective, independent school affiliated with the Episcopal Church that enrolls 834 students in grades 6 through 12 in Winter Park, Florida—approximately 15 minutes from downtown Orlando.

A 1991 fine arts graduate of CCAD, Moreland-Garnett has lived in Ohio, Wyoming, Chicago and Florida.

This post was included in the spring 2011 issue of IMAGE Magazine.