Alumna seeks ‘backers’ for latest photography project

Media Studies alumna Manjari Sharma (CCAD 2004) is currently using to find ’backers’ for her latest photography series, Darshan.

“Darshan is a Sanskrit word that means 'sight,' 'view' or 'vision,’” Sharma wrote on the site. “My project, Darshan, aims to photographically recreate nine classical images of gods and goddesses pivotal to mythological stories in Hinduism.”

“After completing my first successful proof of concept with Maa Laxmi, the financial scope of this project is beyond me and is now in the hands of the universe to see it through,” Sharma said in a video message to potential backers. “My goal is the bare minimum I will need in the production of four more images. This will allow me to complete the first half of the project. Darshan will remain just a dream if not for the generosity of supporters like you.”

Sharma hopes backers will help her reach a goal of $20,000 by August 28. Pledging begins at $11.

Through KickStarter, backers are rewarded for their pledge with various items depending on their giving level. Donors who pledge $101 or more receive a signed Maa Laxmi image.

Click here to make a pledge or to learn more about the project.

Sharma was named the Best of 2010 by the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP). Learn more about Sharma on her website.