Alumna styles set for upcoming Arhaus catalog, interviewed on indie design blog

Advertising & Graphic Design alumna Sharon Hynes (CCAD 1990) just completed set design for the latest Arhaus catalog through her company Style Scout Co. {SSCo.}. An interview with Hynes was also featured on indie design blog One Sydney Road.

“I had no idea that photo styling existed while I was studying photography and advertising at Columbus Collage of Art & Design,” Hynes said in the interview. “After graduation, I saw a job posting for a photo stylist, and thought the job sounded like the perfect combination of my education, skills and more importantly, it sounded like fun! Lucky me—it was! I was a full time photo stylist for American Greetings for many years, working on catalogs, and other advertising pieces as well as trying my hand at display design for Anthropologie for a while also. And then, after being laid-off twice, I decided to start my own business. That’s when Style Scout was conceived.”

{ SSCo. } is a unique full-service design, planning and production company that elevates ordinary styling projects into highly creative, extraordinary collaborations. The company does everything from tabletop to wardrobe in its photo styling projects.

Before opening the Style Scout doors in 2009, Hynes worked as an American Greetings’ Trend Lab and Color Marketing Group team member and a creative visual display manager at Anthropologie. {SSCo.} clients include Anthroplogie, American Greetings, Lowe’s, Target, Smucker’s, and Walmart among others.

Click here to learn more about {SSCo}.

Read the entire interview with Hynes here.