Alumna's photography featured on CNN blog

Media Studies alumna Manjari Sharma (CCAD 2004) had her body of work The Shower Series featured on CNN's photography blog.

For the series, Sharma invited people into her shower to be photographed. The close confines and warm water allowed the models to open up and talk to Sharma.

“The shower creates this confessional-like space,” Sharma said in the blog. “I enjoy getting to know people and find content that’s not just skin deep. It was like Russian dolls, and it became more and more personal."

The Shower Series will be shown alongside her work Darshan at ClampArt in New York City, Sept. 12–Oct. 12, with an artist’s reception Sept. 12, 6–8 p.m.

Sharma is from Mumbai, India, and now lives in Brooklyn, NY.