Alumni exhibition on display at Columbus gallery

Slow Tide, an exhibition featuring the work of Fine Arts alumni Justin Reese (CCAD 2010), Ian Keller (CCAD 2010), and Adam Henderson (CCAD 2007) is on display at Gallery 831 in Columbus, Ohio.

The show presents the trio’s interpretation of how the slow change of ideas has impacted art with Reese focusing on crystalline glazed porcelain vessels, Keller concentrating on sculpture with electronics and light art, and Henderson combining collages, drawing, and video into installations.

Slow Tide will be open through Jan. 31, 2011. Gallery 831 is located in Columbus’s Brewery District at 831 S. Front St. Columbus, Ohio 43206. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 3–9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 1–6 p.m. For more information about Gallery 831 visit their website.

Read more about the exhibition on Columbus Underground.