Alumni featured in Ohio furniture exhibition

The Modern Table: Ohio Furniture Designers, now on display at the Riffe Gallery, includes the work of two CCAD alumni.

Industrial Design alumnus Jacob Dehus (CCAD 2005) and Interior Design alumna Virginia Birchfield (CCAD 2009) join 24 other Ohio artists who demonstrate how the process of contemporary furniture design surpasses a functional purpose and results in the construction of art pieces.

"Designers, in whatever time they live, design for their view of function and aesthetic appeal as they see it at that time.

Modern furniture, however, has been viewed by many in retrospect as not only highly functional but as art," said Curator Tim Friar, director of business

development at Design Central and owner of Grid Furnishings. "The common theme in this exhibit is a passion for modern furniture design."

The exhibition is on display through Jan. 12 at the Riffe Gallery, 77 S. High St., Columbus, OH, 43215. Gallery hours are Tuesday 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Wednesday and Friday 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m.–8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday noon–4 p.m. Admission is free.

Dehus lives in Worthington, OH, and Birchfield lives in Mount Vernon, OH.