Alumni home and studios featured in lifestyle magazine

The Granville home and studios of Illustration alumnus Paul Hamilton (CCAD 1988) and Fashion Design alumna Amy (Tucker) Hamilton (CCAD 1991) were featured in the fall issue of Anthology.

The quarterly lifestyle magazine covers home decor, travel, design, entertaining, and culture.

Amy owns Granville Millinery Co., a line of hats and accessories that she makes in her horse-barn-turned-studio on the couple's six-acre property. She is also an adjunct instructor of Fashion Design at CCAD.

Paul, an in-demand landscape painter, works out of the other renovated barn on their property. The couple began offering workshops out of their studios in 2009 to share their expertise with others.

The Hamiltons' work, art, home, and studios have been featured on HGTV and in publications including O, The Oprah Magazine, Country Living, Harper's Bazaar, Columbus Monthly, and Capital Style.