Alumni team-up to create web series

Illustration alumnus Doug McGuire (CCAD 1994) recently partnered with other Columbus-based alumni to create a new science fiction web series, Aidan 5.

“The alumni I have worked with have been great,” said McGuire. “We all know what each other went through, in and out of school, and have a true respect for the skills we each bring to the project.”

Set in 2064, Aidan 5 follows a hard-boiled detective investigating the murders of his clones within a gritty urban landscape mixing elements of science fiction and film noir. The series was created entirely by volunteers who dedicated one Saturday every three weeks to producing the series.

An article in The Columbus Dispatch said, “Originally a four-minute short directed by Jackson for the 48 Hour Film Project—a touring contest in which filmmakers conceive, shoot, and edit a work in two days—Aidan 5 was named the best film in Columbus in 2008. It later won second-runner-up honors at Filmapalooza, part of the Miami International Film Festival, and was chosen for the Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival.”

A new episode will appear on the website each Friday. There are 15 total episodes. Click here to begin the Aidan 5 series.

Read more about the thriller series in The Columbus Dispatch.