Alumnus-directed music video appears in magazines, film fests

Film & Video, Still image from The Felis Culpa, image of four men holding hands in the middle of a street at night, man second from right faces forwards while other three face opposite direction

Photo courtesy of The Felis Culpa.

The Felix Culpa’s Our Holy Ghosts music video is getting a lot of press, and so is the video’s director, Media Studies alumnus Nick Cavalier (CCAD 2010).

The video debuted at Alternative Press magazine, the premier alternative music news source, and has been receiving plenty of good reviews from viewers, including:

“This video is just unreal!”
“This made my entire day... scratch that, week. I've loved the song for a while now but the video is absolutely haunting. Incredible.”
“I love this band and video so much. I've watched it almost 10 times.”
“Sometimes music and imagery were just meant for one another—the video is brooding and mystical—the music is powerful and haunting—together they tell of the ebb and flow of real love.”

See it for yourself here.

Cavalier’s video has also been featured on Absolute Punk and Blank TV and has been entered into the Chicago Underground Film Festival and The Chicago, NY, and SF United Film Festival.

The Felix Culpa is a four-piece Progressive Indie band. They have released two full-length albums, Commitment and Sever Your Roots; an EP/DVD combo Thought Control; and a digital EP, SoSo Remission. They are currently signed to No Sleep Records

To see more work from Cavalier, visit his website.