Alumnus films documentary featuring artist John Kascht

Film & Video, close up of exaggerated sculpture rendering of Conan O' Brien's iconic swooped hair-do

Alumnus A. Greg Raymond worked with John Kacht to create this film about the process of creating a Conan O'Brien caricature.

Media Studies alumnus A. Greg Raymond (CCAD 1997) recently filmed and edited a documentary video for the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery featuring caricaturist John Kascht. Funny Bones: Anatomy of a Celebrity Caricature marked the National Portrait Gallery’s debut on and was featured on

“I promise you, upon watching this film, you will hear yourself say on more than one occasion, ’Huh, I didn't know that,’” wrote Raymond on his website. “I did, countless times while filming and editing this project. John's narrative is delightful and insightful and he shares with you his unique observations on Conan's background, the role he had in the history of The Tonight Show, and his savvy use of social media.”

Watch the video here.

Raymond’s video received many reviews on Conan O’Brien’s website, including, “I've been a caricaturist for 10 years, and this was definitely one of the best presentations on caricature I've ever viewed.” “This short was absolutely fascinating to watch 〜 beyond brilliant.” “This is pure awesome!” “Thanks for this film. Enlightening, and cool.”