Alumnus gains attention overseas

Life at CCAD, Michael Phillips

Phillips during video interview

CCAD alumni are often featured in media outlets around the world, and Illustration alumnus Michael Phillips (CCAD 1999) is no different. He was recently profiled in All4You, a contemporary culture magazine based in Croatia.

The interview discussed everything from his original inspiration for becoming an artist to his everyday challenges and successes.

He connected with the magazine through a friend living in Croatia and immediately became involved with some of their current art projects.

“Once you start traveling you meet so many people and have so many opportunities," Phillips said. "You begin to realize that the world is filled with passionate people.”

Phillips recently signed with a licensing publisher that will help him manage his marketing and promotions so he can continue his illustration and painting work fulltime.

“Being an artist has always been about the love of creating,” Phillips said.

Watch the full interview here.