Alumnus Justin Bryant to present at upcoming pecha kucha event

Industrial Design, Justin in black sweater poses for camera holding up a white piece of paper which reads "hi". The letter "h" is black, while the "i" is red

Alumnus Justin Bryant is slated to present at Pecha Kucha May 12.

Industrial Design alumnus Justin Bryant (CCAD 2004) is gearing up to present at the 17th installment of Pecha Kucha Columbus, which is no small task since a record-breaking 1,200 people crammed into the Columbus Museum of Art during the previous installment. And since he has less than seven minutes to present all 20 slides.

’Aligning Brand with Communication’ is the topic of Bryant’s Pecha Kucha presentation. “I'm going to be sharing a few case studies of small, local brands whose communications closely align with their brands.” When asked why he selected this topic, Bryant said, “Because I'm completely passionate about and constantly critiquing brand development.”

Bryant is the owner and lead brand development specialist at Think Brand Studio. “I help brands communicate through brand centric design and marketing—I call this brand development,” said Bryant. “My goal is to use simplicity to bring clarity to my client's brand messages and communications.”

Learn more about Think Brand Studio on their website or follow them on Twitter.

Pecha Kucha Night was founded in Tokyo in 2003 as a way for designers to meet and share their work in public. It has morphed into a massive celebration with events in more than 400 cities around the world. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for “the sound of chitchat,” it rests on a simple and momentum-driven presentation format: 20 slides, 20 seconds each—meaning that each presentation is all said and done in less than seven minutes.

Pecha Kucha Columbus was formed by a group of designers and community members in February of 2007. It hosts four events a year.

Come hear what Bryant has to say 7 p.m., Thursday, May 12 at Eartha Limited, located at 371 Maier Place, next to the Scioto Audubon Metro Park in the Brewery District.

More information about the event is available here.