Alumnus opens furniture store, featured in newspaper

Alumnus Tim Friar (CCAD 1988), owner of Grid Furnishings in Columbus’s Short North, was recently interviewed in the Columbus Dispatch’s weekly section Shop Talk.

Friar’s store opened in November 2010 and is described as a modern furniture shop. “Many people, when they think of modern, they think of the '50s or the '20s,” Friar said in the article. “(This is) what's next after the modern that was the midcentury. Everything you see in here is exclusive in central Ohio, and in some cases, the Midwest.”

When asked what he’d been doing since graduation, Friar said, “product design consulting–anything from forklifts to kitchen appliances to medical products.”

To read the entire article, check out the Columbus Dispatch. For more information about Grid Furnishings, visit the shop’s website.

Industrial Design, Tim Friar owner of Grid Furnishings in Columbus's Short North

Photo courtesy of the Columbus Dispatch.