Alumnus photographs U.S. Special Operations team

Photography, Image of soldiers in uniform near military vehicle, in the forground a soldier's back is to the camera with a metal pip resting over his shoulder

Chad Hunt's photograph for Popular Mechanics magazine

Photography alumnus Chad Hunt (CCAD 1994) spent a week training with a U.S. Special Operations Command team, and some of the resulting photography is featured in the July issue of Popular Mechanics.

Hunt's week with the team involved live-fire training at the Yakima training grounds outside of Seattle, WA.

"Getting such intimate access to the military's elite was not easy," Hunt said. "It came about from a personal relationship that I have had with [that] special operations team leader since 2006 when I was embedded in the Korengal Valley, the backdrop for the documentary film Restrepo."

Hunt filmed a short video to be featured on the Popular Mechanics website and the iPad version of the magazine, which can be watched here. His photographs from Yakima can be viewed here.

Hunt has more than 15 years of experience in photojournalism and portrait work. He has traveled to Afghanistan three times in the last two years as an embedded photographer with the U.S. military. In 2008, his photograph of Sergeant Major David Combs at the Korengal Outpost in Afghanistan made the cover of TIME magazine.