Alumnus publishes papercraft book

Associate Professor and Photography alumnus Hiroshi Hayakawa recently published Paper Pups: 35 Dogs to Copy, Cut & Fold.

The 1995 graduate’s book contains 35 paper dogs ranging from golden retrievers to French bulldogs. Using kirigami, an art similar to origami, the reader can copy a template and follow the steps to create a three-dimensional animal.

"It is truly gratifying to actually see the project I worked on for about a year become a physical reality," Hayakawa said on his blog. "I do love the weight and touch of the book as well as the design itself, things you couldn't experience with a digital book."

Paper Pups is available in bookstores and online.

Hayakawa teaches photography, material studies, and drawing at CCAD. He was born and raised in Japan and works in alternative photography, kinetic sculpture, and paper craft.