Alumnus receives national cartoonists society’s gold key award

Fine Arts, Photo of Roy poring over a comic book at a cluttered desk

Roy Doty (CCAD 1942) received the National Cartoonists Society's Gold Key Award.

Fine Arts alumnus Roy Doty (CCAD 1942) will receive the Gold Key Award at the National Cartoonists Society (NCS) annual convention in Boston during Memorial Day Weekend. Recipients of the Gold Key Award are considered to be members of the society’s hall of fame.

In an article on the NCS website, it is written, “Roy Doty’s style has remained largely unchanged throughout his career… and yet it’s never looked dated. As other illustration and cartooning styles fell in and out of fashion, Roy’s clean, simple line work has always looked fresh and current.”

During his 40-plus year career, Doty has illustrated more than 60 books and has had work featured in The New York Times, Newsweek, Fortune, Business Week, Field & Stream, Popular Science, and Elle Magazine. Doty’s client list includes Mobil Oil, Macy’s, CBS, Black & Decker, and Ford among others.

In addition to this award, Doty has also received NCS’s Reuben Illustrator of the Year award in 2006. He is also a six time recipient of The Advertising Council’s Illustrator of the Year award.

In February, Doty served as our 1940s representative for an interview in the CCAD Alumni Newsletter and said, "Be yourself and dedicate yourself to something you think is worth it, even if it’s oddball—especially if it’s oddball! I only do me. And I’ve outlasted everybody.” Read the interview in its entirety here.

The National Cartoonists Society is the world's largest and most prestigious organization of professional cartoonists. Membership is limited to established professional cartoonists or outstanding persons in an affiliated field. Syndicated cartoonist and CCAD alumnus and board member Jeff Stahler (CCAD 1977) is also a member of NCS as is Illustration department chair C.F. Payne, whose work is frequently featured in prominent U.S. magazines, including Time, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times Book Review, Mad Magazine, and Reader's Digest.

Learn more about Doty on his website.