Alumnus showcased in Columbus gallery

Illustration Alumnus Johnny Yanok (CCAD, 1998) is one of two featured artists at Rivet gallery. His work will be on display, and for sale, through Sept. 28.

Rivet is a designer toy and art gallery located in the Short North arts district in Columbus. They carry a variety of toys and collectibles along with a new art show opening the first Saturday of each month to coincide with the Short North’s monthly Gallery Hop.

Yanok's work focuses on combining traditional gouache painting and digital media to make the viewer transport to a place of humor and enjoyment. For this artist exhibition, Yanok features his mixed-media paintings and sculptures.

Yanok’s works are showcased in exhibitions internationally. His work has included everything from advertising to entertainment. Yanok has worked with companies including, Walt Disney Television Animation, Target, Reader’s Digest, Cartoon Network, and more.

Yanok will share the gallery with Lauren Gregg, an illustrator who currently resides in Athens, Georgia and focuses on animation and painting.

Check out Yanok’s website for more information.