And the 2015 Alumni Award for Excellence winner goes to …

Life at CCAD, 2015-Alumni-Award-Excellence-Winner-Steve-Hubbard

Steve Hubbard

Hubbard, a 2010 Time-Based Media Studies alum, won the 2015 Joseph V. Canzani Alumni Award for Excellence. He’ll be honored Friday, April 22, at 8 a.m. during a photogrammetry class he teaches remotely from Australia.

Hubbard is a Mid-Senior Modeler at Animal Logic, a leading feature film visual effects company. He was part of the team that won a 2012 Oscar for Best Visual Effects for Life of Pi. He has also received a Bronze Telly Award and two regional Emmys.

“Steve Hubbard’s work prior to and since graduating from CCAD is nothing short of phenomenal,” Animation Chair Charlotte Belland wrote in her letter to nominate him for the award.

Hubbard, who lives in Sydney, Australia, thanked educators at CCAD for their help.

“Their support and inspiration over the years has helped get me to where I am,” he said.

“Arts education is so important and I don’t think it is stressed enough. Artists are very valuable to our society and people need to recognize that. Without arts education, who will be there in 20 years to make more wonderful art like Life of Pi? The visual effects in movies today aren’t done by just pushing buttons. they are achieved through the hard work of many artists.”