Animation alumni lands coveted academy of television internship

Animation alumna Kartika Mediani (CCAD 2010) is one of 40 students across the country to receive a summer internship with the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation.

The program is designed to provide college students with in-depth exposure to professional television production during an eight-week summer period in Los Angeles. It is considered to be one of the top 10 internships in the country.

Mediani is currently working toward an MFA in animation at the University of California. She was the 2010 Best Animation winner at the HelloFest in Jakarta, Indonesia; a finalist in the 2010 Anima Mundi Web & Cell Contest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and the recipient of the Chris Statuette Award at the 2010 Columbus International Film & Video Festival in Columbus, Ohio.

Learn more about Mediani on her website.