Billboards, magazine cover feature photography by alumna

The photography of alumna Manjari Sharma (Media Studies Still-Based, '04) recently was featured on a magazine cover and in a commissioned shoot for a German company's advertising campaign in India.

The cover of the spring 2010 issue of PDNedu, a bi-annual publication for emerging photographers, features an image by Sharma. The same issue includes an interview with and other portrait work by the artist. More information and images are available on the artist's blog.

A personal project Sharma calls The Shower Series inspired Grohe, a manufacturer and supplier of faucets and showers headquartered in Germany, to commission the photographer for an ad campaign. The company, whose branding includes the tag line "Enjoy Water," built custom showers in a studio in New Delhi, India. The work, which involved 10 models and approximately 30 crew members, is being used on billboards in several cities in India. Details and images from the shoot are available on Sharma's blog.