Book, Song, Site: Adjunct Faculty Alfredo Weeks

alfredo weeks

The CCAD instructor whose 2018 essay on “coffee shop racism” sparked conversation around the world shares works that inspire. 

In addition to teaching in the Advertising & Graphic Design program at Columbus College of Art & Design, Adjunct Faculty Alfredo Weeks has been designing and launching a mobile app called uCollabit that’s aimed at helping creatives connect and collaborate. Weeks, who is also a painter and sculptor, said he enjoys spending time with his wife and their two daughters, too. “Seeing how my little girls are such little artists and scientists always makes my day,” he said. “They're always working on something and I'm trying to keep up.” We asked Weeks to share his favorite book, song, and website.

Book: The Autobiography of Malcolm X, as told to Alex Haley

The biography of Malcolm X has to be my pick. I read it for the first time back when I was in art school. It was a story of lost causes and redemption. I haven't read many stories where leaders were willing to challenge their own beliefs to do what's right. Weeks before Malcolm X died, he went completely against everything he preached for most of his life because he knew truth matters, and he was open to correction. Ultimately, Malcom X towards the end of his story found that humanity, at our core, are the same. Even when social constructs told him otherwise. 

Song: Rainbow Country, Bob Marley 

Bob Marley's music has played in my house ever since I was born. I would sit and watch as my father played the trumpet to his tunes. He always had a positive message in his music. I love listening to Rainbow Country because it's talking about going through life with lots of hope, and it reminds me that when times get tough, just sing along.


For now my favorite site has to be my own. As arrogant as that sounds I've really been having a lot of fun with it. My new site has been up for just about three months. I noticed after so many years of watching myself build brands for other people and businesses I wanted to give my personal website a makeover. So, I just said forget it. I'm going to do whatever makes me feel good. This time around my website really feels like me. My website feels like I'm that same 8-year-old kid breaking apart VCR and CD players just to make the next big invention. I think my website is just all heart, it makes me feel a bit vulnerable and I think that's a good thing. 

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