CCAD alumnus enjoys fruits of senior class labors

Chad Hughes (CCAD, '10) is the first-place award winner of the art and poster contest held by Columbus Food & Wine Affair Grand Tasting.

Columbus Food & Wine Affair has sponsored an art and poster contest for CCAD senior Advertising and Graphic Design classes five times throughout the event's eight-year history. When started in 2003, event organizers took notice of how other cities doing similar events incorporated the art community. "We wanted to do something better. We have seen art and wine as a natural connection from day one,” said Greg Maurer, event co-founder.

For the latest competition, three participating CCAD classes learned the history of the event, important elements that should be reflected in their entries, how their designs would be used, requirements for black & white and color usage, and the importance of representing food and wine equally with an international and contemporary flavor. Students made presentations using a variety of mediums.

Hughes’ winning artwork will be featured through all elements of the event, which takes place Sept. 24 at Franklin Park Conservatory. In addition to Hughes' first-place cash prize, CCAD receives $1,250 toward its scholarship fund. Second place and a cash prize went to CCAD student Kaleah Horton with honorable mention awards and cash prizes going to Kaylynn Arnold, Corey Lucius and Jodie Erickson.

Hughes contemplated designing his presentation using computer graphics but eventually decided on photography. “I’ve been taking photos a long time. Using photography, I could bring my design to life,” he said. “Also, when I see things I can use for photo props, I save them. I have a lot of silverware and antique bottles to choose from.”

For additional coverage on Hughes and his winning design go to Or, check out his website at

To see 2010 contest entries from CCAD students and past winning designs click here.