Latest Superman comic leaves CCAD’s Art Sign and Canzani Center in rubble

Open the latest issue of Action Comics (#1008, specifically) and you might see a familiar sight: Columbus College of Art & Design’s Art Sign and Canzani Center in remarkable detail, down to the stair-step railing in the Canzani Screening Room.
Until, that is, the scene is blown to smithereens.

We won’t give away the whole plot introducing a battle between Superman and the criminal empire known as Leviathan, but the origin story, author Brian Michael Bendis explained on Twitter, can be traced back to Bendis’ visit to CCAD in late September as part of Cartoon Crossroads Columbus.
“I was sitting on this very stage being interviewed by @comicsreporter thinking it was a great place for an assassination, went back to my room and wrote that … ” he tweeted.
We can’t wait to see what happens next.
Tell your own comics story. Learn more about the Comics & Narrative Practice program at CCAD or apply here.
Post date
February 28, 2019