The CCAD Fashion Show is back for 2019. Here are 10 things you’ll need to know before you go.

Columbus is fashion. (We’re no. 3 in the U.S., behind only New York and LA.) And Columbus is fashion thanks to CCAD students who go on to be the creative and innovative minds behind a number of major fashion brands making their homes in Ohio’s capital city.

At the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show on Friday, May 10, you’ll see top CCAD Fashion Design seniors showcase their freshest designs. It’s an opportunity to be among the first to see these designers on the rise (and to show off your own hot looks). And that’s not all. Attending the CCAD Fashion Show helps support the future of fashion design education, with proceeds from the evening supporting CCAD’s general scholarship fund.

But before our models take the runway, here’s the lowdown on 10 new, exciting, and important things you’ll want to know about this year’s event. Deciding what to wear, well, that’s up to you!


1. Where is the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show being held?

With CCAD is celebrating its 140th anniversary this year, our newly renovated campus in the heart of downtown Columbus seemed like the perfect place to throw a party! The Fashion Show returns for 2019 to our big tent at Cleveland Avenue and Gay Street, next to the new Cloyd Family Animation Center. We’ll get things started with a VIP pre-party in the Cloyd Family Animation Center at 7 p.m.; General Admission ticket holders can enter our tent beginning at 7:30 p.m., and the party will go until 11 p.m.

See the map below for details on VIP valet drop-off and parking, General Admission parking, and Lyft drop-off.

Parking map for 2019 CCAD Fashion Show

2. What kind of work goes into these collections?

The short version: A lot.

The longer version: Our Fashion Design students have been perfecting their skills, taking in creative influences, and diving deep into the industry for their entire career here at CCAD—where they’ve learned everything from patternmaking to creating custom fabrics and knits to getting schooled on the business of fashion. Many students travel overseas to learn from those in the field around the world, and buying fabric for their collections often involves a trip to NYC’s famed Mood Fabrics (Project Runway-watchers, you know what we’re talking about). Our students spend their entire senior year creating their collections for the CCAD Fashion Show.


3. How does the work make it onto the runway?

Creating a collection doesn’t guarantee our designers’ work will be included in the show. Their designs are first juried by a group of Columbus’ top industry professionals who determine which collections and garments are compelling enough to star in the event on May 10.

This year, 18 Fashion Design seniors made the cut. Learn more about this year’s outstanding crop of student designers and their collections here.


4. Why should you attend?

The 2019 CCAD Fashion Show is the most fashionable fundraiser of the year. It’s the place to see top student work from emerging designers, and it helps raise money for student scholarships at CCAD. Plus, who doesn’t love a reason to dress to the nines?


5. Who are the models?

The models in the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show are CCAD students, too!


6. How long has this event been around?

CCAD has been around for 140 years; while the CCAD Fashion Show hasn’t been around quite that long, it’s a decades-long tradition for fashionistas here in central Ohio. Have you seen this vintage CCAD Fashion Show video footage?

We’re proud of the tremendous community support we’ve received, from our host committee members, co-chairs, and sponsors to our ticket-buyers and volunteers, and the many people who help us make the CCAD Fashion Show happen. We’re also proud of how the CCAD Fashion Show has grown and evolved through the years, and all that it has done to define the Fashion Design student experience and shape Columbus’ fashion legacy. By attending the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show, you’re helping us celebrate our 140th birthday and supporting scholarships for CCAD students. And what could be more fashionable than that?


7. Who are this year’s Host Committee Co-Chairs?

When it came to choosing co-chairs for the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show, we didn’t have to look far. This year’s co-chairs are CCAD Director of Graduate Studies, Ric Petry, and his wife, The Ohio State University Professor of Dance Susan Petry. Learn more about these two arts world standouts here.


8. What’s so exciting about Fashion Design at CCAD?

CCAD’s Fashion Design students are creating looks you won’t see anywhere else. In this year’s collections alone there are gender-neutral looks, eco-friendly designs, and, yes, even a collection inspired by turtles.

Students come from all over the world to study Fashion Design at CCAD. Those who are showing their work at the 2019 CCAD Fashion Show hail from as far away as China and as close as Columbus. They bring a diversity of ideas, influences, insights, and perspectives, making the CCAD Fashion Show like none other. Get to know them better here.


9. Who’s emceeing the evening?

WBNS Anchor Karina Nova is back to host the evening’s proceedings. And, we’re excited to say, she’ll be dressed in an outfit by one of our Fashion Design seniorsMelissa Marchi.


10. Can I still get tickets?

Yes! You can buy your tickets here.     


Bonus info: As part of our commitment to Smart Columbus, we encourage you to use a ridesharing service to get to the Fashion Show! To sweeten the deal, Lyft is offering a discount of 25%—up to $5—one way for a trip to CCAD's campus for the Fashion Show. Use the code CCADSHOW.