CCAD student work wins awards

Industrial Design, Rendering of streamlined hazmat suit by Oscar Garcia

Columbus College of Art & Design students learn to think, create, and work at the highest level, and it’s exciting when others outside CCAD recognize what we already know: Our student are incredible.

Congratulations to the following recent award and scholarship winners selected for their talent in creating solutions, art, and design that matters.

  • Oscar Garcia (Industrial Design, 2016) designed a more streamlined hazmat suit that reduces the spread of contamination as well as the time it takes for healthcare professionals to remove the suit. The UK-based organization Creative Conscience awarded his student work in its 2017 Winsell Rotational Molding Student Product Design Competition. Garcia won Bronze in the Product & Structural Design category.
  • The T-shirt designed by Kendra Bosse (Advertising & Graphic Design, 2018) for last year’s Columbus Arts Festival won a Bronze award in the International Festival & Events Association’s Pinnacle Awards in the category of Best Community Outreach.
  • Natalie Della Selva (Fashion Design, 2020) won a $5,000 YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund award. The 2018 FSF competition was the most competitive in the history of the organization, with 540 submissions from 60 member schools.
  • Ali Massinople (Fine Arts, 2018) received the 2017 Gamblin Painting Award, which is given by Gamblin Artists Colors to painters who best use its Torrit Grey paint. Gamblin Torrit Grey is made from pigments collected from an air filtration system so as to save these high-quality pigments from going into a landfill.