CCAD was the perfect choice

By Emma Pennington

For me, CCAD just made sense. I grew up in Columbus and most of my family is here. Being so close to such a great school was pretty convenient. In my later years of high school, I started to take the college search more seriously and amped up my portfolio. I received a generous scholarship that solidified my decision. I also had friends from high school going to CCAD, which made the transition less scary.

My high school was very crowded, so the smaller classes here were very appealing. I will miss the strength inherent in the CCAD community when I graduate.

Emma Pennington is a CCAD senior animation major who enjoys watching Netflix, quoting the Simpsons, and sharing sketches on her personal blog.One of my favorite lunch spots is on the third floor of Crane, where I can watch the quad. When I look out on the quad, I recall many fond memories. It’s where I met my current friends during our first welcome fest, and where we said goodbye to Denny during the annual Luau. So many meaningful events have taken place in this ever-changing space.