CCAD's brand new 4K theater


Over the Winter break, we finished the construction of our new 4K theater in the Canzani center. The project was spear-headed by Charlotte Belland, the Chair of the Animation Department. The entrance to the theater is right across the hall from the newly installed Beeler Gallery. It is currently screening a movie about the work of CCAD’s former president Denny Griffith, whose solo exhibition Another World opened on Jan. 8, 2016 at the Beeler Gallery. If you can’t make it to the cinema, you can watch it online by clicking here.

Taking advantage of the cinema’s impressive surround sound, the Animation department kick-started the semester with a special screening of Disney’s The Lion King. The immersive sounds gave the impression that one was part of the movie, at once enchanting and enthralling the audience. The room was packed with students; hearing everyone laugh and cry together bought out the heartfelt spirit of community that runs through CCAD.

Later that same day, the Animation Student Collective started their semester by having a meeting in Kinney Hall. The members got together and introduced the new faces that had joined the club. Afterwards, they went into one of the animation labs and played the game Telestrations, a comical game which is a lot like a drawing version of Telephone. The first player in the circle has to pick a word, then draw an image for that word. The drawing is then circulated within the group; each person tries to guess and write the word the artist used to make the drawing. The next player takes the previous players's word and draws again, and so on and so forth until the set of drawings lose any meaning. This fun activity helped the group to get to know each other. While they were playing, they screendd season fifteen of The Simpsons on a projector, and had a great time watching it. What made it great was that CCAD’s very own Thomas Ricner was in the credits of every episode as a layout animator.