Chroma 2018 preview: Maurshell Stokes, Master of Design in Integrative Design

At Chroma: Best of CCAD, you get to see the best of the best of CCAD’s artists and designers. The annual campus-wide juried show and celebration showcases exemplary pieces from each of our majors as well as our CORE programs, MDes students, and our first-year MFA students.

In anticipation of this free festival starring the future of art and design, which is from 5 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9, we caught up with a few students displaying work at the event.

Read on to see get a sneak peek at what one of our students will be presenting, then check out all the exciting things coming to Chroma this year here. (We’re pretty pumped for the interactive group mural and food trucks, too.)

CCAD student Maurshell Stokes in red chair


Maurshell Stokes

Master of Design in Integrative Design, 2019


Can you describe the work you will you be showing at Chroma?

Our cohort is creating narratives and supporting artifacts that depict different scenarios that will give people an idea of the future Smart City Columbus in the year 2050. With a focus on safety in the direction of health and sustainability, I will be approaching the topic of our memories and how the possibility of recording them could be detrimental to our security. Through a series of collaborate workshops, design thinking and research, the MDes team worked with the citizens of Columbus to create this vision of the future.


Why did you decide to enter the MDes program and what has it been like so far?

I entered the program for a few reasons: my love for CCAD (I completed my undergrad degree here in Interior Design in 2013); I was enrolled at another university working on my MBA, but the program wasn’t a good fit (too much accounting and finance for my art brain); and I was teaching in the Interior Design department here at CCAD when I heard about the new MDes program. With the program being a happy blend of business and design, I knew I had to transfer and give it a try. It has been a very rewarding and tedious experience so far. I’m learning how to re-train my brain, as well as take on new leadership roles.


What has been the most interesting, challenging, or exciting class you’ve taken this academic year?

The project studio classes have by far been the most challenging and exciting. The projects with real clients have pushed me to step outside of my familiar box and really push myself to explore new techniques when problem solving and designing human-centered solutions.

ccad student maurshell stokes in classroom


What has been inspiring you lately?

Lately I’ve been inspired by my students! We have some very talented undergrads here. Teaching undergrad classes while taking graduate classes has given me a unique perspective on life and my work. Being able to cultivate their creativity has reconnected me with my own.

What are your plans for summer?

I may teach College Preview in the Interior Design department, and I’m also applying for a few out-of-state summer internships. I guess a better answer would be I’m waiting to see what opportunities arise.

The Master of Design in Integrative Design cohorts will present their work in the MindMarket during Chroma. Check out where to find all the majors here.

Learn more about CCAD's Corporate and Community Projects or apply here.