Crush holiday shopping + support CCAD alumni

Canvas: A CCAD Alumni Pop-Up Store at Easton

Looking to crush your holiday shopping and support local artists and designers?

Columbus College of Art & Design has you covered.

We're hosting Canvas: A CCAD Alumni Pop-Up Store at Easton Town Center on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday.

Here's a look at some of the alumni who will be selling work at the store:

Fine Arts, MFA, CCAD alum Anne Julian

Anne Julian (Fine Arts, 2012)

What she’ll be selling: Crocheted home goods and wearable items made with wool, acrylic, and cotton blend yarns. Ranging from headbands, hats, scarves, zippered infinity scarves, to crocheted floor poufs for seating.

Philosophy/perspective behind her work: “To sell crocheted goods that are made with the highest quality and are meticulously crafted with fine details that will last for years.”

Fun fact: “My crocheted goods are made using the same stitch my grandmother taught me over a decade ago, which I have perfected during that time. I hand sew on each and every detail to make sure every piece is pristine and uniform when going out into the world. Always up for any custom order or challenge that comes my way!”


Fine Arts, MFA, Work by CCAD grad Amy Lewis

Amy Lewis (MFA, 2015)

What she’ll be selling: Ceramic and glass sculptures and functional artware.

Philosophy/perspective behind her work: “A bit of humor, whimsy and functionality.”

How CCAD influenced the work she’ll be selling: “Earning my master of fine arts degree at CCAD allowed me to explore different modes of making. That experience has helped me to continue down the road to becoming a master fabricator.”

Fun fact: “I animate my work, using stop-motion. The clay boxes are cheeky, tricky characters and the microfilms give us a peek into their everyday life. The videos are on my website.”


Fine Arts, MFA, CCAD alum Jack Gramann

JACK Gramann (Fine Arts, 2010)

What he’ll be selling: Figurative glass sculpture.

Philosophy/perspective behind his work: “I take inspiration from the human form and the glass itself. By removing certain parts of the figure and abstracting the form, I aim to complete full portraits full of bridges and missing pieces.”

How CCAD influenced the work he’ll be selling: “CCAD gave me a broad foundation of skills and approaches that continue show themselves in my day-to-day life as a working artist.”

Fun fact: “My work is sculpted while the glass is molten, using steel tools to shape from inside and out.”


Learn more about Canvas: A CCAD Alumni Pop-Up Store.