The end of the year show

By Jake Bova

One of the most memorable parts of the school year is finals. I know we all associate finals with the sleepless nights, crushing anxiety, and long days spent working and editing on our many projects but there is a shining light in this darkness to be sure. This light is the fantastic End of the Year Show.

Aside from the many student ran exhibitions, the department heads at the Columbus College of Art & Design pull together to display the best student work from the Fall and Spring semesters to be shown in the End of the Year Show. Held in the Canzani gallery this show features the epitome of portfolio quality work that upperclassmen have completed from across the nine majors. I was lucky enough to have a few pieces I've worked on be shown in the opening ceremony and a plethora of my work be displayed during the show's run. Alongside this work is the teaser trailer to the collaborative projects film, The Tragedy at Emmitt Whistle's.

It's great coming together as a school, as a community to honor the hard work we do every day here at this school. As one of the few, the proud, and the brave members of the Cinematic Arts major I've become accustomed to the impossible tasks we as students are given every day and after running this gauntlet for the past four years I know the other eight disciplines know the struggle too. It's amazing we have the strength to put together anything at all let alone such amazing work to be displayed in such a fine establishment. Here's to another successful year!

Jake Bova is a CCAD senior in Cinematic Arts who divides his time between the worlds of film and medieval swordplay. See his work on his personal site.