Fashionista names CCAD’s Fashion Design program one of the world’s best

Far be it for us to toot our own horn. Instead, we’ll leave that to fashion industry blog Fashionista, which named Columbus College of Art & Design a top school for Fashion Design in its 2018 ranking of fashion programs around the world.
Fashionista’s ranking of schools was developed from data and extensive surveys, including one that asked detailed questions of nearly 4,000 students studying fashion. In their praise of CCAD, students and alumni cited a rigorous curriculum; ample internship opportunities at such places as Under Armour, Justice, and Abercrombie & Fitch; and affordable tuition among the qualities that make CCAD a great place to pursue a fashion design education.
Columbus is the no. 3 fashion city in the U.S., behind only New York and LA. We’re proud that CCAD—which came in at no. 20 in Fashionista’s list—is a major contributor to that standing.
Learn more about Fashion Design at CCAD or apply here.
Post date
December 17, 2018